Holi, the vibrant festival of colors, is a celebration of love, joy, and the triumph of good over evil that transcends barriers, uniting people through vibrant hues and shared laughter. It has always been a symbol of exuberance and togetherness.
Just as on this special day a rainbow of colors fills the streets, Mother Nature has been creating its own masterpieces over billions of years- natural coloured diamonds. These rare gems take on different hues & properties reflecting nature’s handiwork.
Natural colored diamonds come in a stunning spectrum, from soft pinks and brilliant yellows to enchanting blues and fiery oranges. The color of a diamond tells the story of its formation, and each color is a testament to nature’s artistry.
How Do Diamonds Get Their Colors?
The mesmerizing hues of colored diamonds arise from natural processes deep within the Earth. Unlike pure, colorless diamonds, which are composed entirely of carbon, colored diamonds owe their shades to trace elements and structural irregularities in their crystal lattice:
- Yellow Diamonds contain nitrogen, which absorbs blue light and gives the diamond a sunny, golden hue.
- Blue Diamonds owe their captivating color to boron, – an element that made its way into the diamond from the waters of ancient oceans.
- Green Diamonds owe their colour to skin deep atomic anomalies caused by their proximity to naturally radioactive rock over the course of millions of years.
- Pink and Red Diamonds are created when they formed deep in the mantle as mountains rose above them. This dynamic environment caused atoms to slip out of place, resulting in their blush tones.
- Brown Diamonds are created by the same atomic slip as their pink and red relations, but are a result of their turbulent journey to the surface in an explosive volcanic event.
- The most intensely colored diamonds, classified as “fancy” diamonds, are among the rarest and most valuable in the world. Just as Holi’s white garments highlight the brilliance of its colors, a truly colorless diamond is exceptionally rare and highly prized.
Just as Holi brings a burst of colors to our lives, natural colored diamonds are nature’s way of showcasing its artistry in the most timeless form. Each hue tells a story of extraordinary geological journeys, making these gems not just rare treasures but symbols of endurance, beauty, and wonder. Whether in soft pastels or deep, vivid shades, colored diamonds capture the essence of nature’s creativity, much like Holi captures the spirit of joy and celebration.