Agency News

Solar World Congress, Opportunity for India GenNext

Solar Energy Society of India, is the indian section of International Solar Energy Society. SESI ( was established in 1978, is the apex body in India Solar Energy Sector and having its secretariat in New Delhi.

Solar Energy Society of India, President, Mr Prafulla Pathak, while talking to this network informed that ISES Solar World Congress is scheduled in New Delhi from 30 Oct 2023 to 04 Nov 2023. This is happening in India after a long gap. The previous Solar World Congress by ISES only in India was in 1978, almost 45 years before.

This is in cooperationand with International Solar Alliance and Solar Energy Society of India is natural country partner. 

This is a lifetime opportunity for new startups, enterpruners and everyone in indian solar sector to get associated and part of this one of its kind event. The sessions of world known stallworts and indian leaders and leading indstries and stakeholders will be taking part in this and obviously those joining will have unique advantage from this. 

As such, on behalf of Solar Energy Society of India, SESI, Mr Prafulla Pathak appeals every one in Indian solar sector in business, profession, academia, research or even students to get connected with SESI through social media and email, WhatsApp and know the way to join and participate. The special email for [email protected] is available for connect and guidance.

The opportunity is specially for startups and enterpruners in solar sector, however, looking at next decade of Green Energy thrust all over world. The Solar World Congress is opportunity for every business and profession in India, he added. 

Solar Energy Society of India has activities by way of “Green energy ambassador” for undergraduate and Post Graduate too. Which can be understood by visiting website and connecting through email [email protected] or [email protected]

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